Lying in the world series and recently portrayed the character Judy screenwriter Gülse Birsen Hümeyra criticizing the new season were removed from the squad.
Lie the World Judy portrayed the character in a series Hümeyra experienced players, the directory has been removed from the squad. In recent days, the scriptwriter Gülse directory Birsen Hümeyra found in the heavy criticism, the new season will take place in the squad.
"GÜLSE of the spoiled"
Late last March, the index screenwriter Gülse Her work for the "Very indulge the" criticism that veteran player, "a 100-page screenplay night 11 coming in the morning to 10 sets they put. Understanding the need. Already sentences reduced. Gülse every day spoiled began." he had exerted. Her work is "not a problem Hümeyra'yl talked to us. Did not take it too seriously." said
EARLIER also worked
Her work Gülse famous screenwriter and actor before his still-wrote along with the European side in a series Hümeyra had played the role of the mother-daughter.
Lying in the world was separated from the array Hümeyra Judy Character Animators
By Unknown | 06:40
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