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Mustafa Erdogan: I Stay In Love Class

By | 13:19 Leave a Comment
Mustafa Erdogan, in an interview about her marriage to ex-wife Gülben Ergen'l, "Love did not stay in the classroom. Recent experience has slashed more than me," he said.

Mustafa Erdogan: I Stay In Love Class

Fire of Anatolia's art director, Mustafa Erdogan, 'Travelogue' in an interview to the magazine about her love life has made dramatic statements. Erdogan, married in 2004, divorced in 2012, the third son of Gülben Ergen's mother who has been without a name.


Here are those words: "Love in the class remained in a man. Excessive trust notes is broken. Either broken up I or me the same planet from the people no longer exists. Lover can not. Recent experience up to me and swung. These issues overtime do not spend."


Mustafa Erdogan, "Do you think getting married again?" The answer to the question "Never" was. A poet friend, 'love moribund smash' love that Erdogan said, "Love what you initially evokes?" answered the question as follows: "My children."

GÜLBİN sites had

Erhan Çelik, who will marry soon Gülben Ergen said the following to Mustafa Erdogan: "The greatest gift a father can give his children is to love their mother. But he did not."
Mustafa Erdogan: I Stay In Love Class

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